It's been a busy few days! We've gotten many, many plants in the ground! Let's see...we planted Basil, Tomatoes, Eggplant, Peppers, Summer Squash, Cucumbers, Sweet Corn, sweet potatoes, peanuts (experimental), and many flowers. We also sowed, carrots, beets, lettuce mix, cilantro, radishes, arugula, sorghum, and soybeans.
News From the Farm
This week we were planning on planting all the Summer crops. Mother Nature had other plans for us. We are having to wait out the cooler weather to plant the peppers. eggplant, tomatoes & basil. Those crops don’t appreciate temperatures under 50, but everything is ready for them to go […]
News from the Farm – May 18, 2011
Offered every other week, beginning in May, ending in September – What’s In The Box will offer a 1 ½ hour cooking class demonstrating how to use the weekly, seasonal CSA box. The class will follow the seasonal garden, teach fresh preparation as well as how to preserve and conserve.
Weekly Cooking Classes
Spring seemed to have passed us by, it was well over 80 degrees today! The farm has really come alive over the past week or so. We’re all moving around with renewed purpose. Though Spring has only officially been around for a couple of weeks, we’re preparing to move onto […]
News from the Farm – May 11, 2011
Here we are at the beginning of what we hope will be a very bountiful season. This year’s CSA is starting a little earlier than in years past because the strawberries are early this year. We picked and picked and picked those red berries today! It’s a regular bonanza of […]
News From the Farm – May 4, 2011
All good things come to an end. For most of you this will be the last box of fresh vegetables for a while. We’d like to thank everyone for joining us this year and trusting us with providing you with fresh produce. We’ll do one more market at the Co-op next week […]
News from the Farm – October 20th, 2010
The popcorn is here. We have tested a few ears and it popped fairly well. It all popped, but it could perhaps pop a little better. Go ahead to pop it if you’d like, or put the ears in a sunny spot and let the ears dry out a little […]
News from the Farm – October 13th
We have our first frost possibility night. If it does frost that will mean the end of a few things on the farm: flowers, peppers, eggplant, swiss chard (depending on how cold it really gets). The crew spent some of the afternoon covering some crops that we want to make […]
News From the Farm – October 6th
It’s sometimes difficult figuring out what to wear these days. Long pants or shorts, long sleeves or short, rubber boats or sandals, sweatshirt or no, at times it seems like you have to have them all ready, the temperatures change so quickly as a cloud blocks out the sun or […]
News From The Farm – September 29th
As harvest was going along this morning we started to think about what it took to get to the point of harvest of the beautiful broccoli that is now in your CSA boxes. We started the seeds in cell trays and Megan watered them for 5-6 weeks. The crew planted […]
News From The Farm – September 22nd
Remember to bring your box. This week will mark the new box return policy. If you forget your box you will not be permitted to take the actual box with you. You can transfer its contents to a bag(s). We will have some on hand if needed. Thanks. Well, all […]
News From The Farm – September 15th
First some housekeeping, PLEASE RETURN YOUR BOXES! They cost almost $2 a piece and when they don’t get returned, we have to keep buying new ones which costs us and, eventually, you, money. In an effort to keep more boxes in circulation, we’d like to institute a new box policy. […]