I hope this finds every one well and enjoying the Spring season. We have had some gorgeous days and have been getting a bunch of things done.
We were excited to welcome our second intern on Tuesday. Amy is joining us from Macon, GA this year. Her interest in farming came from volunteering on farms in Japan and Korea! She is also a classically trained concert violinist. That is her on the right. Drea, who worked with us last year, is on the left. They are putting the finishing touches on our completely revamped, now super duper old high tunnel. It got recovered yesterday with the help of some out of town friends and will soon get planted to some early tomatoes.
We are still looking for a third intern so if any one knows of someone looking for something to do this summer….
Alex is working away on the tractors, getting them in top shape for this seasons work.
The greenhouse is full and overflowing. We’ll plant more lettuces and greens this week.
Our earliest spring flowers really took a hit last Saturday night when we got down to 16 degrees. These tulips made it through just fine and are looking beautiful.
The strawberries and onions were also not appreciative of that cold. We will have to wait and see how extensive that damage was.
Also, the balance on your CSA share, if you have one, is now due. Shoot me an email if you don’t know what your balance. If you have a Wednesday pick up day, consider adding a meat or eggs share.
Thanks again for joining us on “Farming Adventure 2015!
Vanessa and Alex