News from the Farm – May 26, 2012

Looking West at dusk. From far left to right: sweet peas, broccoli raab, lettuce, sunflowers, flowers, potatoes, onions.

It’s been a very busy week for us out here on the farm. Not only have we been planting like mad, we also hosted about 40 other farmers and apprentices on a farm tour on Saturday. We participate in CRAFT (Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training) which is a part of the Organic Growers School. Once or twice a month an area farm hosts a tour to discuss their operation and a specific aspect of farming. We talked about small farm machinery. It’s a great way to see what other farmers do, get ideas, and share in the trials and tribulations of farming. We capped it off with some stellar strawberry daquiris for all.

Let’s get back to the farm news…we’ve planted peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, basil, sunflowers, sweet corn, the 2nd round of summer squash, lettuce, and many, many flowers. The greenhouse tomatoes are all trellised and growing away, some with little green fruits on them. We’ve hilled the potatoes for the first time and will probably hill them again early next week-they’re growing fast! There are more onions ready to harvest (hopefully Wednesday morning). Our next big push will be to get the winter squash ground ready, and them planted in the next week or so. Soon after that the first round of melons and watermelons will be planted.

The strawberries are really slowing down. We may have harvested the last of them. We’ll have a few pints available for sale, but come early or they’ll be gone. The first of the summer squash will be ready to harvest on Friday. The sugar snaps have started and the second round have begun to flower, so there should be a bountiful harvest over the nest couple of weeks.

Remember this box should have had those 3 pints of strawberries you’ve already received. Next week we should be able to put together a really nice full box.
