Some tips about preserving herbs

Freezing: The easiest way to handle herbs it to simply put them in zippered plastic bags (wash the herbs well and remove the tough ends; whether you chop them or not is up to you). Basil should be blanched for about a minute before it’s frozen or it will turn black; the others don’t need it) though their color will be brighter if you do). When they’re thawed, they’ll be crumbly and should be treated like dry herbs.

Drying: Simply tie a bunch with a string or ribbon and hang upside down in a dry spot (keep away from drafts, cooking fumes, and extreme cold). When they’re completely dry, crumble them and store in a glass jar with a tight cover. If you need to protect your drying herbs from dust or animals, place them in a plastic bag before tying them.

Microwaving: You can dry herbs in a microwave oven in a matter of seconds; just remember that if you leave them for a second too long, you’ll find a pile of ash or possibly a blazing bouquet. Spread the herbs on a paper towel and cover with another paper towel (dry about a cupful at a time). Microwave on high for 40 seconds; check and repeat for 5 seconds at each try, until the herbs are dry and crumbly. After the first round, don’t let it go for more than five seconds at a time.